"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
~Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Best (Vegetarian) Sandwich Ever Made

Not many people know this about me, but I am an excellent sandwich maker (let the sexist jokes begin). What my sister, Diane, is to sugar cookies, I am to sandwiches. Yeah, I'm that good.
So I though I'd do the Internet a favor and tell you about the sandwich I made the other day that was literally the best sandwich I've ever had (honestly. I said that to my roommate at least 3 times while I was eating it). Especially if you aren't a big fan of lunch meat but still want a sandwich with a decent amount of protein, this sandwich will blow your mind.

Here's everything in the sandwich in order.

multigrain bread
feta cheese (make sure you put this next to the hummus so it will stick and stay in the sandwich)
salt and pepper
balsamic vinaigrette

sweet mini bell peppers
multigrain bread

It is the perfect combination of flavors and textures, and it's pretty darn healthy, too. You could even leave out the cheese for a slightly healthier and/or vegan option, but the feta does add a lot of flavor.

Let me know what you think!

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