"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
~Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Yay Art!

I'm blogging twice today because I didn't blog last week so I have this strange, unfounded feeling that I owe the blog world another post. And by blog world, I mean my family, since I'm pretty sure they're the only ones who read my blog. Plus, I did a lot more than wander through mountains and gardens in the past two weeks, and these things demand documentation. So, here's my top three artistic experiences in the past two weeks.

1. National Gallery. England has produced relatively few great painters, yet somehow they have a museum full of paintings by all of the most famous painters in the world. Monet, Van Gough, Claude, Turner... It breaks my heart that in less than a month, I won't have any Monet paintings just a couple miles away. This is one of the treasures of London.

2. Dove Cottage. I sat in the garden at Dove Cottage (Wordsworth's home) and wrote poetry. I can see why so many great writers spent their time in the Lake District. The landscape almost demands that you release the creative energy it inevitably creates in any thoughtful person. We also saw many first editions of books of romantic poetry. So cool.

3. Warhorse. Before it was a movie, it was a play. The horses are puppets controlled by three people at a time, and the artistry of the puppetry is amazing. They imitate the movements of horses so exactly that you forget that there aren't real horses on the stage. An inspiring story masterfully performed.

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